Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Gotcha Day, Rosey!

Well, today marks 13 years since Rosey has come into my life.  She came to live with us when I was 7, and terrified of dogs.  I never really wanted her to begin with, but she has shown me how great dogs really are, are how much love they have to give.

Rosey has been with me through a lot.  She has been with me through the good times -- finishing school, going on to college, through birthdays and Christmases, and all the things inbetween.  Whenever I was bored, I always had a friend right beside me, and for that I was ever grateful.  Not only was she there through the good times, but she was there through the bad -- being bullied at school, to almost being killed by the bullying, to that loss of the first boyfriend, fights with the parents, loss of 3 grandfathers and 2 grandmothers, when ever I needed a shoulder to cry on, she was right beside me.  I could tell her all my secrets, without fear of it getting out.

One memory with her that will always stick with me, is her first New Years with us.  I was 8 years old, and it was my first year planning on staying up all night long.  My grandmother was in town visiting, so it was my mother, grandmother, sister and myself who were staying up.  I leave the living room for a minute, telling them I am just going to go get some juice.  An hour later, they realize I had not been back yet, and go to look for me.  There I was, in the door way of the kitchen, sleeping, using Rosey as a pillow.

Well, I guess I will wrap this up, with some photos of my sweet girl.  Happy Gotcha Day Rosey, here is to many more to come.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, happy gotcha-day Rosey! She's such a beautiful girl Jess, and it's quite clear how close the two of you are! I think you couldn't have asked for a better best friend. <3
